KuyaKhanya “Let There Be Light”

What is KuyaKhanya?

IRD Global, in collaboration with IRD South Africa, TREE, J-PAL Africa, and goGOGOgo, won the Lego Foundation’s Build A World of Play Challenge and will be introducing the "KuyaKhanya" project to rural regions in South Africa, aiming to enhance holistic Early Childhood Development (ECD) service delivery and improve skills and knowledge for caregivers raising children, including grandmothers.

Project Aim

This collaborative project will create integrated ECD innovations for children aged birth to 4 and their caregivers through a multi-disciplinary approach combining nutrition, mental wellbeing, and playful parenting. The project aims to work with existing ECD centres around which integrated service delivery will be built using a “hub and spoke" model. The project aims to establish 15 hubs (centralised, custom-designed playhouses) with up to 60 spokes each (Community Play Facilitators residing within the catchment area of the hubs).




Amanzi Ethu